alternative country admin October 31, 2019

alternative country

alpha-mule-album_final04-17Okay, while clearly not about painting, this is a project I’ve been working on for some time, which is now finished! So, I thought I’d mention it here. More info can be found at

In January, Eric Stoner and I recorded an album of original songs at WaveLab Studio in Tucson, AZ under the band name Alpha Mule.

Eric and I have been playing music together since 2013, and we’ve each been playing music for decades.

We were fortunate enough to record with some amazing musicians, including Calexico’s Joey Burns and Jacob Valenzuela, who played upright bass and trumpet, respectively.

01-joe_22-150x150-2533725 Joe Forkan 02-eric-2-150x150-4816728 Eric Stoner 03-joey22-150x150-9006665 Joey Burns
07-jacob-222-150x150-8356872 Jacob Valenzuela 05-craig-22-150x150-4896222 Craig Schumacher 04-fen-22-150x150-4804641 Fen Ikner

Chris Schultz recorded the sessions, and WaveLab owner Craig Schumacher mixed the record and played on many tracks, as well.

The music might best be called Americana or alt-country, and is primarily played on acoustic instruments – guitars, banjo, upright bass, drums, trumpet, harmonica, along with some electric guitar, pedal steel, Hammond organ, and Mellotron.

There’s more info at, and the CD, titled Peripheral Vision, is finished, and now available there to stream, purchase or download. It’s also on itunes, amazon, and bandcamp (download), cd baby (CDs & download), and spotify (streaming).

The record will also be available on Vinyl in December (a slower production process, especially given the welcome resurgence of vinyl).

09-chris-150x150-9830291 Chris Schultz 06-connor-222-150x150-9078869 Connor Gallaher 10-joey-fen2-150x150-2891637 Joey Burns & Fen Ikner
11-eric-guitar-150x150-3921739 Eric Stoner 18-leo-150x150-9522771 Joe, Craig & Leo 08-steff-left-150x150-3916017 Steff Koeppen

The player below contains the 10 tracks on the Vinyl record, but not the bonus tracks on the CD. It works on all platforms but iPhone, apparently, but the whole album streams here.


Joe Forkan – guitar and vocals

Eric Stoner – banjo and guitar


Joey Burns – upright bass and electric bass

Fen Ikner – drums

Craig Schumacher – hammond B3 , harmonicas, mellotron, phono harp

Connor Gallaher – pedal steel guitar

Jacob Valenzuela – trumpet

Steff Koeppen – backing vocals



©2016 Giant Meteor Records. All Rights Reserved. 

All songs published by Alpha Mule Music (ASCAP).

Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.

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